
Cylindrical Plug Gages

Plain Cylindrical Plug Gages also referred to as plain Cylindrical Plug Gauges are used to check the inside diameter limits on parts. Cylindrical plug gages should be used in a GO, NOGO combination. The GO gage is used to determine whether a hole has met the low limit of the specifications. The NOGO gage checks the upper limit of the hole. When the GO gage enters and the NOGO gage is unable to enter, the design specifications have been met. Plain cylindrical gages are available in steel, chrome, and carbide in Class XXX, Class XX, Class X, Class Y, Class Z, and Class ZZ.


  • Buy with confidence with WESTport 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Free technical support from our knowledgeable engineering team with over 100+ years' experience
  • Cylindrical plug gages are AGD - American Gage Design
  • GO or NOGO members
  • Precision hand lapped and polished to ensure superior accuracy
  • Manufactured to the highest end of the ANSI specifications to provide maximum wearability
  • Final inspection of plain cylindrical plug gauges is completely in an environmentally controlled ISO 17025 laboratory
  • Made in accordance with ANSI B89 .1.6M.
  • Manufactured with gage blanks per ASME/ANSI B47.1
  • Free NIST certificate of accuracy