Tri-Roll Gaging Comparator
Quick Overview
- System offers actual measurements of dimensional characteristics for quicker machine adjustments during thread production
- Reduces gaging time over thread plug and ring gages
- One single gage can be used for pre-plate, after-plate, class 1, 1A, 2, 2A, 3, 3A eliminating the need for multiple fixed limit thread plug and ring gages
- Ideal for user with Statistical Process Control - SPC
- Rigid construction and constant measuring pressure provides consistent and accurate readings
- Quick setting with the use of a set master
- Easy to setup
This system provides for interchangeable assembly with respect to functional size only. The functional size must be measured at the maximum material limit within the length of standard gaging elements. The characteristic known as NO GO functional diameter must also be verified. This is accomplished by using fixed limit gaging or variable gaging with functional elements.
This system provides for interchangeable assembly with functional size verified at the maximum material limit using standard length gaging elements. This can be accomplished by using fixed limit gaging or variable gaging with functional elements. System 21A also states that the minimum material limit (minimum pitch diameter) must be verified by inspecting two thread flank locations over the length of the thread. This can be accomplished by using variable gaging or thread roll snap gages with pitch diameter elements.
This system provides for the interchangeable assembly with functional size verified at the maximum material limit using standard length gaging elements. This can be accomplished using fixed limit gaging or variable gaging with functional diameter elements. System 22 also states that the minimum material limit (minimum pitch diameter) must be verified over the full length of the thread. This can be accomplished using variable gaging with pitch diameter elements.
This system provides for interchangeable assembly with functional size verified at the maximum material limit using standard length gaging elements and minimum material limit (minimum pitch diameter) must be verified over the full length of the thread. The gaging requirements for SYSTEM 22 would also apply here but in SYSTEM 23 other thread characteristics such as lead, flank angles, taper and roundness must have to be independently verified. Only thread characteristics, which are specified, will have to be inspected for SYSTEM 23 compliance.