

Which Thread Ring Gage is best for my production inspection needs?

acme-thread-ring-gage ACME Thread Ring Gages

npt_taperpipe_ring_gage Taperpipe Thread Ring Gages

straight-pipe-thread-ring-gage Straight Pipe Thread Ring

thread_ring_gage_1 Thread Ring Gages

1ring-gage ANPT Thread Ring Gages

pg-conduit-thread-ring-gage-new_2 Pg Conduit Thread Ring Gages

WESTport-Miniature-Thread-Ring-Gage_42 Unified Miniature Screw Thread Ring Gages

WESTport Gage provides a comprehensive line of Thread Ring Gages to meet all of your gaging needs. Click on any of the links below for a detailed product description along with pricing. For your convenience you can order online, email us at info@westportcorp.com with any technical questions, visit our website www.westportcorp.com or call us at 800-876-8587 and one of our friendly team members will gladly assist you.

ACME Thread Ring Gages

ACME Threads are used for translation motion in machine tools like lead screws where rapid movement is required or in screw jacks, where load to be shared is more. WESTport Gage provides a complete line of standard and special General Purpose ACME GO/NO GO Thread Ring Gages in compliance with ASME B1.5 - 1997. Acme Thread Ring Gages are used to gage an external threaded product. There are three classes of fit for ACME General Purpose thread gages; 2G, 3G and 4G.

Taperpipe Thread Ring Gages

NPT THREADS are used in general purpose application of pipe assembly, where a pressure tight joint of pipes is made, by making the pipes wrench tight using a sealing compound. NPT L1 taper pipe ring gages are used to check external threaded parts. NPT L1 rings inspect the functional size or hand tight engagement of the pipe, nipple or male threads. NPTF L1 ring gages are used to check external threaded parts. NPTF L1 ring gages inspect the functional size or hand tight engagement of the pipe, nipple or male threads. NPTF gages are used to inspect pipe threads that are used in Dryseal applications NPTF (Dryseal) NPTF 6 step ring gages check the crest truncation or profile of the external threads and are used in conjunction or relationship with the L1 ring.

Straight Pipe Thread Ring Gages

Straight pipe thread ring gages are manufactured per ANSI/ASME B1.20.1. The threads are designed for free fitting mechanical joints. Straight pipe thread gages include NPSM, NPSF, NPSC, NPSL, NPSI, NPSH, and NH sizes.

Thread Ring Gages

Thread ring gages are adjustable and used to measure threads on an outside diameter (OD) to ensure the threads are within its designed tolerance limits. They are manufactured to an X tolerance and American Gage Design standards (AGD). Available in GO or NOGO, Class 2A or 3A for inch and to X Tolerance, Class 6g for metric.

ANPT Thread Ring Gages

WESTport provides a complete range of Aeronautical National Form Taper Pipe Thread Ring Gages per SAE AS71051. ANPT thread ring gages are intended for use on pipe, rings, fittings, and similar devices in aeronautical components and equipment requiring a sealed thread joint and where straight threads and gaskets or O‐rings are inadequate.

Pg Conduit Thread Ring Gages

Checks threads of pipe fittings used for electrical wiring. Pg Steel Conduit Thread Ring Gages are manufactured per DIN 40431 and inspect conduit threads.

Miniature Thread Ring Gages

Unified Miniature Screw thread ring gages are intended for use in watches, instruments, and miniature mechanisms. They provide a full range of Unified Miniature Screw Thread Ring Gages per the American Standard B1.10M 2004 and the equivalent ISO Recommendation.

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