


"Westport Management/Employees, After relying and depending on Westport Corporation for our gaging needs for well over ten years, I felt it was time to express my appreciation for the services your organization provides to Christopher Tool & Mfg. Co. As a manufacturer of critical components for the aerospace, aircraft, space shuttle and other critical programs, we are always under pressure to provide our customers with the highest quality components generally in the shortest amount of time. This is why, when the going gets tough the first supplier I contact for our gaging requirements has always been WESTport Corporation. This past year, Christopher Tool has been involved in two major programs. The Space Shuttle “Return to Flight” and the Joint Strike Fighter “JFS”. Both of these programs have been under extremely tight quality and delivery requirements with no room for error. Once again when we needed your services/expertise to help us meet our customers expectations, you stepped up and delivered. It is a pleasure dealing with your organization as everyone there is courteous and I would like to personally thank Mr. Steve Lowe for his efforts. Steve has a good understanding of our business and stands by his word. Again, thank you for being a supplier we can truly count on. When you state 'Quality You Can Trust' it's nice to know you can and do back it up."

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