

6 Mistakes to Avoid When it Comes to Thread Gage Maintenance

Thread gages are important pieces of equipment for industrial operations. Adequate maintenance is important for maximizing both the lifespan and efficiency of thread gages.

Unfortunately, mistakes are made at many industrial facilities that compromise the condition of thread gages. The following are six mistakes that it's important to avoid when it comes to thread gage maintenance to avoid malfunctions and inefficiency issues.

1. Avoid temperature extremes in thread gage storage areas

When it comes to thread gage use, it's important to understand how important precision is. Thread gages are made from metal materials that can expand and contract with temperature extremes. Expansion and contraction can compromise thread gage precision.

Therefore, it's important to store thread gages in areas that don't experience any climate extremes. Avoiding extremes in both temperature and humidity levels is important to keeping thread gages in the best possible shape. 

2. Allowing thread gages to become dirty

Dirt and debris that becomes lodged into thread gage parts can compromise precision. It's therefore important to incorporate a cleaning regime into your thread gage maintenance procedures. 

Workers need to be aware of the fact that oil in their hands can contaminate thread gages. Thread gage operators should therefore be trained to wash hands carefully before they come into contact with thread gages. 

3. Neglecting to adequately lubricate gages

Lubrication is important because it helps to avoid corrosion development and ensure efficiency in mechanical systems. Easy peel wax coatings that are oil based are ideal lubricants for thread gages. 

4. Label thread gage size

At most industrial facilities, thread gages of a wide range of sizes are used to get the job done. For this reason, carefully labeling thread gages according to their size and type is important to ensuring organization and precision. 

5. Letting gage calibration lose accuracy

Over time, thread gages can lose their accuracy and require recalibration. Keeping up on recalibration with careful records and regular inspection is important.

Make sure that calibration dates are accurately recorded and that your calibration schedule adheres closely to manufacturer recommendations.

6. Ensure proper operator training

The best way to ensure that your thread gages stay properly maintained is to ensure that your operators are properly trained on both thread gage usage and maintenance. 

Make sure that new employees are properly trained and briefed on correct maintenance procedures. Keep manufacturer manuals available to them regarding thread gage usage to avoid malfunctions and to ensure that proper maintenance and safety procedures are followed at your facility.

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